Premature Ejaculation Causes

Unfortunately for men looking to cure premature ejaculation – the causes of PE are not clear, and not all possible causes of premature ejaculation will apply to all men. Many theories exist as to the primary cause of premature ejaculation, but due to the complexity of the issues involved, it’s hard t0 embrace a “one size fits all” approach as to the exact cause of PE.

Many theories have been suggested, including that PE was the result of masturbating quickly during adolescence to avoid being caught by an adult, or that premature ejaculation is caused by performance anxiety, an unresolved “Oedipal” conflict, of passive-aggressiveness, or having too little sex. Unfortunately, there is little concrete evidence to support any of these theories – and some researchers believe that premature ejaculation could be a result of a combination of some or all of these factors.


Your doctor can help diagnose Premature Ejaculation

Several physiological mechanisms have been thought to contribute to causing premature ejaculation – including serotonin receptors, a genetic predisposition, elevated penile sensitivity, and nerve conduction abnormalities. The part of the brain called ‘the nucleus paragiantocellularis’ has been identified as being involved in ejaculatory control. Many scientists have suspected a genetic link to certain forms of premature ejaculation.

In one study, 91 percent of men who have had premature ejaculation for their entire lives also had a first-relative with lifelong premature ejaculation. Other researchers have noted that men who have premature ejaculation have a faster neurological response in the pelvic muscles. In some cases, PE may be caused by Prostatis – an inflammation of prostate gland. There is also a train of thought that premature ejaculation may be the result of certain drug side effects.

As you can see, premature ejaculation has far more questions surrounding it than answers. While psychoanalysis or sexual therapy can help reveal the cause of PE in some men, the fact is that most men will probably never know conclusively why they have premature ejaculation. Luckily, knowing the exact cause of premature ejaculation does not preclude men from treating and overcoming their premature ejaculation problems.

While science may not agree on one “absolute” cause of premature ejaculation, the fact remains that much has been learned about this condition, and the last decade has seen huge advancements in potential cures for premature ejaculation that will help most men overcome this problematic sexual function issue. While the “ultimate PE cure” may still be a few years away – several products are currently available which can either reduce or eliminate your premature ejaculation.

You will find several articles and tips throughout this website which will shed the light on several new premature ejaculation treatments, as well as tricks and techniques you can try at home that can quickly and successfully improve your sexual stamina and prevent early ejaculation.


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